Slowcooked Cincinnati Chilli Recipe- Truly delicious!


Slowcooked Cincinnati Chilli Recipe- Truly delicious!

It's the season for slow cooked foods. This dish has a unique chocolate, cinnamon and oregano spice flavour is so tasty and warming for the cooler autumn months. This Easter weekend I modified Cincinnati Chilli from 5 recipes and it turned out brilliantly. My friends wanted my recipe so here it is:


Fresh Summer Salsa + Salmon Recipe


Fresh Summer Salsa + Salmon Recipe

This is my all time favourite summer salad!! The coriander, mint, coconut and fresh lime salsa is a sensational combination of flavours alongside the mangoes and avocados. Serves 4, prep 20 mins, cooks in less than 10.


Seven Fertility Boosting Benefits of Acupuncture


Seven Fertility Boosting Benefits of Acupuncture

“Nourish the soil before planting the seed” -- Ancient Chinese proverb

To grow a garden, you need to have good quality, nutrient-rich soil, sunlight, and water to produce healthy plants. If you imagine trying to grow seeds without these elements it is unlikely that they will grow or thrive. Having regular acupuncture sessions is like 'preparing the soil' or uterine lining to be thick and nutrient rich. When the time comes it is much more likely your precious fertilised egg will embed and grow in the natural fertile soil you have prepared. 


5 Tips to Reduce Morning Sickness


5 Tips to Reduce Morning Sickness

Pregnancy nausea can be a living hell and feel like an eternal evil hangover (without the party)! I'm sorry you are suffering. It's a very personal journey and is important to find what works for you and your body at the time.

1. The most important thing to do is to become a ‘SNACK QUEEN.’ Keep something in your stomach at all times to regulate your blood sugar levels. Set an alarm every two hours to remind you. It doesn’t have to be healthy or big just something, even if it’s potato crisps.

Try snacking on almonds, crackers, miso soups (the Spiral brand sachets with seaweed are really good), noodles, pasta, dried fruit, yogurt, and white bread!

Sugary foods should be avoided as your blood sugar levels will spike> carbs are better. Eat easy to digest foods- slow cooked, baked veges (good to prep a heap of baked veges to graze on during the week), raw fruit, well cooked grains and soups.

Don’t feel bad if you hate eating vegetables and you normal diet, you can eat them for the rest of your life, the main thing is to get through this rough patch. Trust me, your passion and identity with food will return.

2. STAY HYDRATED try fresh chilled coconut water, chamomile tea, Hydralite ice-blocks , ginger tea, ginger ale or apple cider vinegar with warm water and honey. Some women love sucking on ice cubes (try coconut ones too if you like that flavour).

3. SMELLS- using peppermint or vanilla in an aromatic oil burner at home or work can help alleviate odour sensitivities. If you are vomiting into the toilet, put some peppermint drops down the loo beforehand, so you have something better to smell. Some people find smelling medical swabs does the trick, as it overrides any other scent.

4. If you feel better when you REST then do it more! Delegate as much as possible and create boundaries with your social life.

Hopefully the symptoms pass after the first trimester you can eat greens and feel human again.

5. Regular acupuncture and acupressure can help resolve morning sickness naturally:

pericardium 6 acupressure

This point (Pericardium 6) is located 3 finger breadths up from your inner wrist crease, in between the two tendons.  If you put your hand into a fist and pull it towards you, it makes it easier to find the point.

Hold this spot with your opposing thumb and take some slow, deep breaths. Hold for 1-3 minutes several times a day when you feel nausea (either wrist is fine). You can also get ‘sea sickness wrist bands’ to wear over these points through out the day/ night, to reduce nausea.

This point can be great to settle pregnancy nausea.

Acupuncture point KD27 helps alleviate pregnancy nausea.

Hold points for 2 minutes on both sides a few times a day.

acupressure point

Acupuncture point KD6 can help alleviate pregnancy nausea and the desire to vomit.

Hold both points for 2-3 mins as needed.


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Top 10 Reasons to Try Acupuncture

1) Acupuncturists view each person holistically and individually

2) Acupuncture helps to re-awaken and energise the self-healing capacity of the body.

3) Acupuncture is an effective preventative medicine with no negative side-effects, only positive ones.

4) Acupuncture helps to support and strengthen the immune system.

5) Acupuncture effectively assists with recovery from drug, alcohol and smoking addictions.

6) Acupuncture is recognised by well-known and leading national and international health organisations.


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7 fertilised blastocytes :)

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7 fertilised blastocytes :)

Happy to announce my client going through her first round of IVF had 7 eggs successfully retrieved. They all fertilized and made it to blastocyte (day 5) stage; four of the precious embryos are eight celled and other three have seven cells. One embryo will be transferred tomorrow, the other 6 will be frozen and are referred to as 'Frosties'.

I will give her fertility acupuncture prior to the transfer to help calm her mind, thicken the endometrial lining and prepare the uterus for the embryo to implant. After the transfer I will give her another acupuncture session to prevent any uterine cramping, increase the chances of the embryo embedding successfully and reduce the chance of miscarriage. Then its a waiting game to see what her hormone and blood levels are telling us. Fingers crossed for a successful pregnancy and a healthy happy baby! :) I recommend weekly acupuncture for the first trimester of her pregnancy or to prepare for her future frozen embryo transfer if required.

Here is an interesting research article stating that shows women having IVF treatment can boost their chances of falling pregnant by 65 per cent simply by having acupuncture.


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Acupressure & Moxibustion for Pregnancy Anaemia

The acupressure point, ST36 (Zusanli), is one of the 11 heavenly acupuncture points. It is located on both legs, four finger widths down from the bottom of your kneecap, along the outer boundary of your shin bone, you will feel a small indent/depression there.

Press on either or both points for up to 3-5 minutes at a time. You can do this several times a day if you wish. This point helps to increase your Qi, strengthen the Stomach and Spleen, improve your digestion and increase Blood production. Well done!


Moxibustion (moxa), also known as mugwort, is an ancient herb which facilitates iron absorption. You can do moxibustion over ST36 for 5 minutes a day for ten days and your iron & energy levels should increase. Come in for a consultation and acupuncture treatment, and I will show you which special & safe techniques to use.




Acupuncture, Pregnancy & Anaemia.

In traditional Chinese medicine, iron deficiency anaemia is usually diagnosed as a Qi (energy) & Blood deficiency. As your precious baby grows, there is a huge demand placed on your body to produce extra Qi and Blood...
