Benefits of postnatal acupuncture
Postnatal care is so important!
Your body has gone through the most epic change.
Chinese herbal medicine + acupuncture treatments at this time can help to:
re-energise, rebuild strength and stamina
minimise after pains & speed up recovery time
aid deeper sleep and better relaxation
balance hormones as milk comes in
relieve "baby blues" and postnatal depression
address breastfeeding problems: it can regulate milk supply, improve circulation with in the breast, helps prevent or clear stagnation (mastitis) in the milk ducts
encourages the uterus to contract
ease perineal discomfort and aids repair
shrink haemorrhoids and piles
help bleeding complications
regulate temperature swings, especially night sweats
promote healing of caesarean scars and treat C-section complications
help carpal tunnel syndrome and tingling
reduce swelling and oedema
reduces back, neck and shoulder pains