Endometriosis Stage 4, IVF Success & Complicated Pregnancy
A case study involving endometriosis stage 4, IVF success and a highly complicated pregnancy.
What to expect during an acupuncture treatment.
During your initial consultation a comprehensive case history will be taken. We will discuss your treatment goals. I will ask you questions about your diet, digestion, lifestyle, medical + family history, emotional wellbeing, sleeping patterns etc. I will then ask will then observe your tongue and take your pulse to aid the diagnoses of your internal wellbeing. Then I'll get you to lay on the comfy treatment bed....
Benefits of IVF Acupuncture + Treatment Program
Acupuncture can help provide physical and emotional support leading up to and throughout an IVF, IUI or ICSI cycle, as well as optimising your chances of getting pregnant, having a safe pregnancy and live birth.