Benefits of IVF Acupuncture + Treatment Program
Acupuncture can help provide physical and emotional support leading up to and throughout an IVF, IUI or ICSI cycle, as well as optimising your chances of getting pregnant, having a safe pregnancy and live birth.
How often should I get acupuncture during my pregnancy?
Acupuncture is a safe and effective treatment modality to support you during your pregnancy. Each treatment uses acupuncture pregnancy points tailored to your individual needs and concerns.
Does acupuncture hurt?
My techniques are extremely gentle and even the mostneedle phobic client is pleasantly surprised.
Acupuncture, Pregnancy & Anaemia.
In traditional Chinese medicine, iron deficiency anaemia is usually diagnosed as a Qi (energy) & Blood deficiency. As your precious baby grows, there is a huge demand placed on your body to produce extra Qi and Blood...